Source/Archive record (Index) SLI3083 - SMR FILE
Title | SMR FILE |
Author/Originator | |
Date/Year |
External Links (0)
Referenced Monuments (39)
- MLI12598 Alterations to Skerth Drain, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87892 Briquetage found in Heckington Fen (Monument)
- MLI87834 Bronze Age axe, east of Winkhill Manor, Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI60325 Butts Hill, south of Heckington (Monument)
- MLI60395 Churchyard cross, St Andrew's churchyard, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI60867 Cobham Hall villa site, south of Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87875 Flint scatter, near Car Dyke, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87874 Iron Age scored ware from near Holme House, Car Dyke, Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI84685 Iron Age/Romano-British Artefact Scatter, Helpringham Fen (Monument)
- MLI87890 Large mound to the east of the Car Dyke, adjacent to prehistoric settlement, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87623 Large polished stone axe, north of the A17, Asgarby and Howell (Find Spot)
- MLI87643 Medieval and post medieval pottery and tile to the west of Winkhill Manor, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87903 Medieval strap end, from garden on Burton Road, Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI87833 Neolithic stone axe, north east of Winkhill Manor site, Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI87877 Part of a Romano-British quern, west of Sandlees Lane, Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI87876 Polished flint axe, from area of Star Fen Farm, Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI60866 Possible Anglo-Saxon inhumations, south of Shrubwood Close, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87894 Possible flint tool, from a garden south of High Street, Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI87646 Pottery scatter, Carter Plot, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI84683 Probable Romano-British farmstead, west of the Car Dyke, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87896 Roman coin, Foster Street, Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI84684 Roman pottery and building debris found at Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87879 Romano-British finds, east of the Car Dyke, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87891 Romano-British finds, Heckington Fen (Monument)
- MLI87647 Romano-British pottery and tile scatter, south west of Home Farm, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87642 Romano-British pottery and tile to the west of Winkhill Manor, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI84680 Romano-British pottery, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI84682 Romano-British Pottery, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87889 Romano-British quern fragment, east of the Car Dyke, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87835 Romano-British tile kilns, at Holme House near the Car Dyke, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87644 Settlement of Garwick, in Heckington parish (Monument)
- MLI87645 Sherd of shell-gritted ware, Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI87871 Small quantity of Romano-British pottery, north east of Holme House, Heckington (Monument)
- MLI82764 St Andrew's church and churchyard, Heckington (Building)
- MLI87872 Two flint scrapers from near Holme House, Car Dyke, Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI87898 Unlocated Roman coin, Hall Farm, east of Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI87897 Unlocated Roman coins from Heckington (Find Spot)
- MLI60281 Winkhill Manor and park, north of Heckington (Monument)
- MLI87641 Worked flints to the west of Winkhill Manor, Heckington (Monument)
Referenced Events (23)
- ELI6090 Casual field observation after ploughing in 1963, Heckington
- ELI6091 Casual field observation at Hall Farm, East Heckington
- ELI6229 Casual field observation in fields belonging to Hall Farm, Heckington
- ELI6226 Casual field observation in garden on High Street, Heckington
- ELI6227 Casual field observation in garden, Foster Street, Heckington
- ELI6212 Casual field observation west of Sandlees Lane, Heckington
- ELI6087 Casual field observation west of Winkhill Manor
- ELI6089 Casual field observation, Carter Plot, Heckington
- ELI6194 Casual field observation, east of Winkhill Manor, Heckington
- ELI6088 Casual field observation, Heckington, 1967
- ELI6193 Casual find to the north east of Winkhill Manor site, Heckington
- ELI6222 Field fieldwalking in Heckington Fen
- ELI6223 Field observation in Heckington Fen
- ELI6220 Field walking east of the Car Dyke, Heckington
- ELI6211 Field walking near the Car Dyke, Heckington
- ELI6151 Field walking north of the A17, Heckington
- ELI6214 Field walking to the east of the Car Dyke, Heckington
- ELI6150 Field walking to the west of Sandlees Lane, Heckington
- ELI6148 Field walking, east of Heckington
- ELI6136 Fieldwalking at Cobham Hall villa site, south of Heckington
- ELI6149 Fieldwalking north east of Heckington
- ELI6210 Fieldwalking north east of Holme House, Heckington
- ELI6118 Levelling of a mound called Butts Hill in 1815
Record last edited
Aug 19 2020 2:53PM