Source/Archive record (Index) SLI3361 - SMR FILE



External Links (0)




Referenced Monuments (25)

  • Base of medieval baluster jug found during dredging (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age axe mould and axes, Washingborough Fen (Find Spot)
  • Car Dyke between Washingborough and Common Square (Monument)
  • Car Dyke between Washingborough and Common Square (Monument)
  • Car Dyke, Roman canal north of Washingborough (Monument)
  • Car Dyke, Roman canal north of Washingborough (Monument)
  • Car Dyke, Roman canal, adjoining Glebe Farm (Monument)
  • Coin of Tetricus II, south of Main Road (Find Spot)
  • Dug-out canoe from the Witham, Washingborough (Find Spot)
  • Half penny of Edward the Confessor found in Washingborough (Find Spot)
  • Mesolithic flints from north west of the pumping station (Monument)
  • Penny of Coenwulf of Mercia, precise findspot unknown (Find Spot)
  • Roman flagon neck found during dredging (Find Spot)
  • Roman pottery scatter in the field north of Canwick Road (Field 14). (Monument)
  • Roman urn and coin, from area of 15 Main Street (Find Spot)
  • Settlement of Washingborough (Monument)
  • Silver penny of Henry VIII from The Acorns, Church Hill (Find Spot)
  • St John the Evangelist's church (Building)
  • The Witham shield and other Iron Age finds from the area (Find Spot)
  • Three late Bronze Age swords found during building of the railway (Find Spot)
  • Two eighteenth-nineteenth century dessert spoons, 'Hunter's Leap' (Find Spot)
  • Two medieval coins dug up in 1904 (Find Spot)
  • Two third century coins from the grounds of Washingborough Hall (Find Spot)
  • Undated finds from the River Witham found in 1788 (Find Spot)
  • Washingborough Village Cross, on the Green (Monument)

Referenced Events (9)

  • Casual find from area of 15 Main Street
  • Casual find from garden of The Acorns
  • Casual find from near the church
  • Casual finds from near the school
  • Casual finds from Washingborough Hall
  • Casual obs in garden of 58 Main Street
  • Dredging of the Longstongs Delph
  • Site visit to Car Dyke (SAM 311)
  • Site visit to Car Dyke (SAM 311)

Record last edited

Feb 21 2023 11:55AM



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