Source/Archive record (Artefact) SLI87 - Newark Museum Collection

Title Newark Museum Collection


Artefacts held in the Newark Museum Collection, in Newark.

External Links (0)



Newark Museum Newark

Referenced Monuments (15)

  • Beehive quern found near Eagle (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age Flint Scraper, Norton Disney (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age Flint, Fosse Way, Norton Disney (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age Mace, Potter Hill, Norton Disney (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age Palstave, Claypole (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Axehead, Potter Hill, Norton Disney (Find Spot)
  • Long Bennington shrunken settlement (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery sherds from south of Long Bennington (Monument)
  • Neolthic Axe, Swinethorpe (Find Spot)
  • Prehistoric Flints, Norton Disney (Monument)
  • Roman Coin Hoard, Ermine Street, Byard's Leap (Find Spot)
  • Romano-British coin found in Dry Doddington (Find Spot)
  • Romano-British Coins, School Lane, Claypole (Find Spot)
  • Sherd of Samian with a stamp, adjacent to River Witham, Beckingham (Find Spot)
  • Small Anglian vessel, from south east of Scotwater Bridge, Carlton-Le-Moorland (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

May 25 2023 3:40PM



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