Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI6071 - Archive of fieldwalking on land at Tumby, Lincolnshire

Title Archive of fieldwalking on land at Tumby, Lincolnshire
Date/Year April 1999


Archive of fieldwalking on land at Tumby, Lincolnshire

External Links (0)


Williams, Mark and Field, Naomi


City and County Museum LCNCC 26.98

Referenced Monuments (5)

  • Altered river course of the Old River Bain, Tumby (Monument)
  • Flint-working site at Tumby, Lincolnshire (Monument)
  • Neolithic to Bronze Age occupation on land at Tumby, Lincolnshire (Monument)
  • Post-medieval artefact scatter, Tattershall Thorpe (Monument)
  • Roman pottery, Tumby (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Fieldwalking on land at Tumby

Record last edited

Nov 1 2000 12:00AM



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