Monument record MLI80858 - Neolithic to Bronze Age occupation on land at Tumby, Lincolnshire
Neolithic to Bronze Age occupation on land at Tumby, Lincolnshire.
Type and Period (4)
- ARTEFACT SCATTER (Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age - 4000 BC to 801 BC)
- SETTLEMENT (Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age - 4000 BC to 801 BC)
- PIT (Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age - 4000 BC to 801 BC)
- POST HOLE (Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age - 4000 BC to 801 BC)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
PRN 43847
Fieldwalking on land at Tumby found 714 pieces of worked flint dating from the early Neolithic to Bronze Age. It was suggested that the presence of serrated edge tools related to cereal production and the absence of heavier tools may indicate a low incidence of tasks like hide and/or meat production. However, the surface collection of flint may not neccessarily be representative of the possible sub-surface features.{1}{2}
Trial trenching in 2000 found 184 worked flints and Neolithic pottery. Also found were three palaeochannels, the earliest dated to the Neolithic period. The trenches showed high levels of erosion and truncation with minimal survival of prehistoric land surfaces. There appeared to be no preservation of Neolithic or Bronze Age structural remains. The high concentration of artefacts suggested that if such features were present they may have been destroyed by ploughing.{3}{4}
Further trial trenching on the site in 2002 revealed scoops, postholes, palaeochannels and pits. These features have been dated from Late Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age period but have been extensively damaged by ploughing and cannot be securely dated. {5}{6}
Sources/Archives (6)
- <1> SLI6070 Report: Lindsey Archaeological Services. April 1999. Report on fieldwalking, land at Tumby, Lincolnshire. TMB 98.
- <2> SLI6071 Archive: Lindsey Archaeological Services. April 1999. Archive of fieldwalking on land at Tumby, Lincolnshire. LCNCC 26.98.
- <3> SLI6079 Report: Lindsey Archaeological Services. July 2000. Report on trial trenching on land at Tumby.. TMB 00.
- <4> SLI6080 Archive: Lindsey Archaeological Services. July 2000. Archive of trial trenching on land at Tumby.. LCNCC 2000.39.
- <5> SLI8274 Report: Lindsey Archaeological Services. 2002. Land at Tumby II. TUM 02.
- <6> SLI8275 Archive: Lindsey Archaeological Services. 2002. Land at Tumby II. LCNCC:2002.6.
Grid reference | Centred TF 235 601 (656m by 1223m) (3 map features) |
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Record last edited
Apr 8 2021 1:46PM
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