Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14801 - Ermine Street, Ancaster

Title Ermine Street, Ancaster
Date/Year 2013
HER Report no. 4966
Allen Archaeology Ltd 2013029


Report on a scheme of archaeological monitoring, conducted during the excavation of a trench for a new electrical cable running along part of the route of Ermine Street, through the village of Ancaster. Roman and post-Roman deposits were recorded, along with the remains of possible Roman structures and two infant burials. A large assemblage of Roman material was recovered, including samian ware and amphora fragments, along with a smaller assemblage of medieval material.

External Links (1)



HER M13/3

Referenced Monuments (7)

  • Ancaster Roman Settlement (Monument)
  • Medieval Activity, Castle Close, Ancaster (Monument)
  • Medieval Activity, Wilsford Lane, Ancaster (Monument)
  • Roman Activity, Ancaster House Cottage (Monument)
  • Romano-British Cemetery, Ancaster (Monument)
  • Romano-British Features, Ermine Street, Ancaster (Monument)
  • Undated Features, Ermine Street, Ancaster (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

Record last edited

Feb 23 2025 9:49PM



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