Building record MLI97647 - Farmbuildings at The Grange, Boston Road, Wainfleet


Farmbuildings at The Grange, Boston Road, Wainfleet

Type and Period (7)

  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1856 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1856 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1856 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • ? (Post Medieval to Modern - 1856 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1856 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1800 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1800 AD? to 2050 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

These buildings were formerly farm buildings associated with The Grange (MLI97646), although some of them have been converted to residential use. They appear to surround a crew yard. These buildings are considered to be of Townscape Value within the Conservation Area. {1} A historic building survey was undertaken in 2011 to inform the proposed conversion of the buildings to holiday accommodation. The main farm complex comprises three ranges of buildings in a U-shape plan form around a crewyard open to the west, and a two storey former threshing barn and farmworker's cottage to the west of the crewyard. All of the buildings are brick built in English Garden Wall Bond or a variation of the same. The former threshing barn had at some point in the 20th century been converted into offices and little of the original interior fabric remains. A large opening in the east elevation was partially infilled and replaced with a shallow-arched opening, which itself was later replaced by a large sliding door. The height of the eaves appears to have been raised. The cottage to the north, known as Salter's Cottage, was likely the original farmhouse before the larger house was built in or around 1856. It is a two storey brick building with a small modern brick extension to the north. The north range of the single storey building also showed evidence of significant alteration of both form and use. A large central door opening in the north elevation with a segmental arch of bullnosed brick had been partially infilled and replaced by a 3 light window. The interior, likely originally used for animal accommodation, has since been converted to a carpenter's workshop and little evidence remains of its previous form or use. The east range had a small single chimney, a later addition likely used for a boiler. A large passage giving access to the crewyard from the east had also been infilled. Again, the original use of this range is unclear but it was suggested that the small rooms to the north may have been used for storage. At the south end of the range, surviving timbers in the west elevation indicate that this space was used as an open-fronted cart shed, since converted to garages. In the southeast corner of the building, a series of lean-to brick pigsties abutt the east elevation. The south range was not included in the survey area, but appears to be similar in form to the other two ranges. A large two storey brick building to the east dated to the mid-20th century. {2}{3}

Sources/Archives (3)

  •  Report: QuBE Planning Ltd.. 2007. Wainfleet Conservation Area Appraisal. p 23.
  •  Report: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2011. Outbuildings at The Grange, Boston Road, Wainfleet St Mary. PCAS Site Code: TGWB 11.
  •  Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2011. Outbuildings at The Grange, Boston Road, Wainfleet St Mary. LCNCC: 2011.58.



Grid reference Centred TF 49626 58476 (37m by 30m) (2 map features)

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (2)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Oct 16 2023 2:04PM


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