Monument record MLI30297 - Site of a Romano-British building, southeast of Normanton Wood
The site of a probable stone building of Roman date on land to the southeast of Normantion Wood, near Normanton.
Type and Period (7)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
Walls of a Romano-British building were exposed when laying a water-pipe in 1954. Seen by C Moulton who retrieved 2nd and 3rd century pottery (including some Samian). The pottery is now in Lincoln Museum. The area concerned was in a permanent pasture field when visited by the OS Field Inspector in 1964. {1}{2}{3}
A geophysical survey in 1998 detected anomalies thought to relate to the Roman building. A subsequent watching brief recovered Roman pottery in the same area. {5}{6}{7}
An excavation revealed eight linear features thought to be ditches, ten pits and three postholes. A large quantity of pottery dated to the late 4th century, and included tegulae, combed flue tiles with internal sooting, a cheese-press, a strainer and a crucible. The presence of flue tiles and tegulae indicate the existence of a high-status building in the vicinity, and the crucible may indicate metalworking. Nineteen 4th century coins were also recovered. {8}
A geophysical survey conducted in September 2000 revealed a series of rectilinear enclosures and trackways in the vicinity of the building, which were interpreted as an associated field system. {9}
Sources/Archives (9)
- <1> SLI2655 Index: OS CARD INDEX. NORMANTON. SK 94 NW: 18,1964, SEAMAN B H.
- <2> SLI3190 Index: SMR FILE. NORMANTON. SK 94 NW: D,1976, RWH.
- <3> SLI510 Article in Serial: F. H. Thompson (ed.). 1955. 'Archaeological Notes for 1954' in Lincolnshire Architectural and Archaeological Society Reports and Papers. VOL 6 PART 1 p10.
- <4> SLI8 Artefact: City and County Museum Collection. LM 126.54.
- <5> SLI6996 Report: Oxford Archaeotechnics. June 1998. Normanton Phase 1 Replacement Scheme. -.
- <6> SLI6998 Report: Lindsey Archaeological Services. Dec 1998. Normanton Phase 1 Mains Replacement Scheme. LAS Site Code: NHH98.
- <7> SLI6999 Archive: Lindsey Archaeological Services. Dec 1998. Normanton Phase 1 Mains Replacement Scheme. LCNCC: 128.98.
- <8> SLI7005 Report: Lindsey Archaeological Services. March 1999. Normanton Phase II Replacement Scheme. LAS Site Code: NHH 98.
- <9> SLI18496 Report: GSB Prospection. 2001. Survey Results: Normanton-on-Cliffe. -.
Grid reference | Centred SK 9393 4606 (54m by 53m) Estimated from sources |
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Survey: Geophysical survey on land to the west of Normanton (ELI14355)
- Event - Intervention: Normanton Phase I Mains Replacement Scheme - Archaeological Monitoring and Recording (ELI2326)
- Event - Survey: Normanton Phase I Replacement Scheme - Geophysical Survey (ELI2323)
- Event - Intervention: Normanton Phase II Replacement Scheme - Archaeological Excavation (ELI2337)
Please contact the HER for details.
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Oct 16 2024 11:26AM
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