Source/Archive record (Report) SLI7005 - Normanton Phase II Replacement Scheme

Title Normanton Phase II Replacement Scheme
Date/Year March 1999
HER Report no. 1508
Lindsey Archaeological Services 348


Report on an archaeological excavation conducted on land to the west of Normanton as part of a scheme of works relating to the replacement of a water pipeline between Normanton and Hough-on-the-Hill. During a prior programme of archaeological monitoring and recording (see ELI2326), human remains were encountered, at which point the excavation was halted until a full excavation could be undertaken. Thirty Anglo-Saxon inhumation burials with a wide array of grave goods were excavated. Roman features including pits, post holes and ditches, as well a large assemblage of pottery were also encountered. These were likely associated with the known Romano-British building in the vicinity

External Links (1)



HER 99/3

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • An early Anglo-Saxon inhumation cemetery, west of Normanton village (Monument)
  • Possible Iron Age field system, west of Normanton village (Monument)
  • Site of a Romano-British building, southeast of Normanton Wood (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Normanton Phase II Replacement Scheme - Archaeological Excavation

Record last edited

Oct 16 2024 10:05AM



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