Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI9274 - Archaeological Watching Brief in Conjunction with Geotechnical Investigations, Anchor Street, Lincoln
Title | Archaeological Watching Brief in Conjunction with Geotechnical Investigations, Anchor Street, Lincoln |
Author/Originator | Mike Jarvis Archaeological Services |
Date/Year | May 2004 |
External Links (0)
Archive for the watching brief
City and County Museum LCNCC 2004.74
Referenced Monuments (8)
- MLI86058 Medieval pottery sherd and tile fragment, Anchor Street, Lincoln (Find Spot)
- MLI86056 Medieval pottery sherd retrieved during a watching brief at Anchor Street, Lincoln (Find Spot)
- MLI86063 Medieval pottery sherds, Anchor Street, Lincoln (Find Spot)
- MLI86064 Medieval pottery sherds, Anchor Street, Lincoln (Find Spot)
- MLI85983 Medieval tile retrieved during a watching brief at Anchor Street, Lincoln (Find Spot)
- MLI86046 Medieval tile retrieved during a watching brief at Anchor Street, Lincoln (Find Spot)
- MLI86047 Medieval tile retrieved during a watching brief at Anchor Street, Lincoln (Find Spot)
- MLI86045 Medieval tile retrieved during a watching brief at Anchor Street, Lincoln (Find Spot)
Referenced Events (1)
- ELI4718 Archaeological watching brief and geotechnical investigations, Anchor Street, Lincoln
Record last edited
Jun 8 2004 11:22AM