Source/Archive record (Report) SLI8175 - Land North of Laughton Road, Scotton

Title Land North of Laughton Road, Scotton
Date/Year 1999
HER Report no. 1085


Report on the excavation of five trial trenches, dug to inform proposed development on land to the north of Laughton Road, Scotton. Although medieval finds were recovered during the evaluation, it was revealed that the features previously thought to represent medieval crofts in this area were actually of natural origin, or of later post-medieval date. The evaluation also recovered a redeposited sherd of probable 10th or 11th century date.

External Links (1)



HER 99/3

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Early Medieval Pottery Sherd, Laughton Road, Scotton (Find Spot)
  • Possible Post-Medieval Field Boundaries, Laughton Road, Scotton (Monument)
  • Scotton Medieval Settlement (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Land North of Laughton Road, Scotton

Record last edited

Oct 2 2014 11:55AM



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