Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI15977 - Grimblethorpe Hall, Main Road, Grimblethorpe

Title Grimblethorpe Hall, Main Road, Grimblethorpe
Date/Year 2016


Archive for the programme of historic building recording, conducted to inform proposed alterations and change of use of an outbuilding at Grimblethorpe Hall, Gayton le Wold. The surveyed building is a two-storey, former threshing barn, built of uncoursed limestone rubble. The structure forms one of the few surviving parts of what had been a complex of mid 19th century farm outbuildings, typical of the established 'High Farming' movement, but now largely demolished or replaced by more recent structures.
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City and County Museum LCNCC 2016.86

Referenced Monuments (4)

  • Former Cow House, Grimblethorpe Hall Farm, Gayton Le Wold (Building)
  • Former Outbuildings, Grimblethorpe Hall Farm, Gayton Le Wold (Building)
  • Former Threshing Barn, Grimblethorpe Hall Farm, Gayton Le Wold (Building)
  • Grimblethorpe Hall Farm, Gayton Le Wold (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Grimblethorpe Hall, Main Road, Grimblethorpe

Record last edited

Aug 9 2017 9:45AM



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