Source/Archive record (Report) SLI15058 - Cuthbert's Yard, Land Between 21 & 23 Burton Road, Lincoln
Title | Cuthbert's Yard, Land Between 21 & 23 Burton Road, Lincoln |
Author/Originator | Lincs Archaeo-tech |
Date/Year | 2014 |
HER Report no. | 5343 |
Lincs Archaeo-tech | 42 |
Report on a scheme of archaeological monitoring and recording, conducted during groundworks for residential development at Cuthbert's Yard, Lincoln. Extensive areas of post-medieval dumped deposits previously identified on the site were confirmed, along with the remains of two largely demolished Second World War air raid shelters. A series of up to 14 post-medieval graves or charnel pits were also revealed, concentrated in the rough middle of the site. The graves are likely to have formed part of a burial ground associated with a gallows, known to have been situated on or close to the site, and recorded as being in operation between c.1700 and c.1817. Redeposited fragments of Roman, Anglo-Saxon and medieval pottery and tile were also recovered.
External Links (1)
- (Link to the pdf report in the ADS digital library)
HER Digital
Referenced Monuments (5)
- MLI115964 Air Raid Shelters, Cuthbert's Yard, Lincoln (Monument)
- MLI115963 Anglo-Saxon Pottery Sherd, Cuthbert's Yard, Lincoln (Find Spot)
- MLI97249 Medieval Pottery and Tile Fragments, Cuthbert's Yard, Lincoln (Monument)
- MLI97248 Possible Roman Colonia Ditch, Cuthbert's Yard, Lincoln (Monument)
- MLI97247 Post-16th Century Activity, Cuthbert's Yard, Lincoln (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ELI12325 Cuthbert's Yard, Land Between 21 & 23 Burton Road, Lincoln
Record last edited
Jan 3 2025 10:46AM