Monument record MLI97247 - Post-16th Century Activity, Cuthbert's Yard, Lincoln
Dumped deposits and pits of post-16th century date at Cuthbert's Yard, Lincoln.
Type and Period (6)
- OCCUPATION LAYER (Post Medieval - 1600 AD to 1900 AD)
- PIT (Post Medieval - 1600 AD to 1900 AD)
- LINEAR FEATURE (Post Medieval - 1600 AD to 1900 AD)
- GALLOWS (Post Medieval - 1700 AD? to 1817 AD?)
- CHARNEL PIT (Post Medieval - 1700 AD? to 1817 AD?)
- CEMETERY (Post Medieval - 1700 AD? to 1817 AD?)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
Post-medieval activity was revealed in this area in July 2007, during trial trenching at Cuthbert's Yard. A number of pits and dumped deposits were identified, from which a relatively large quantity of post-16th century pottery, tile, glass and clay pipe fragments were recovered. The dumped deposits formed the upper fills of a large linear feature, thought to possibly represent part of the main Roman Colonia defensive ditch (see PRN 71036). {1}{2}
Further extensive post-medieval dumped deposits and associated linear features were revealed in June 2012, during archaeological monitoring of groundworks for residential development at Cuthbert's Yard. The nature of the deposits would suggest that this land was relatively marginal and little used, until the post-medieval dumping and reclamation episodes. Subsequent to this, the site appears to have been partially used as a cemetery, with a series of up to 14 post-medieval graves or charnel pits being identified in the rough middle of the site during the monitoring. Seven intact inhumation burials, all aligned on an east to west axis, were identified along with a quantity of disarticulated human remains. Whilst the date of the remains could not be conclusively proven, it was thought highly likely that they formed part of the burial ground associated with a gallows, known to have been situated on or close to the site, and recorded as being in operation between c.1700 and c.1817. {3}{4}
Sources/Archives (4)
- <1> SLI12362 Report: Lincs Archaeo-tech. 2007. Cuthbert's Yard, Burton Road, Lincoln. LA site code: CYL07.
- <2> SLI12363 Archive: Lincs Archaeo-tech. 2007. Cuthbert's Yard, Burton Road, Lincoln. LCNCC 2007.140.
- <3> SLI15058 Report: Lincs Archaeo-tech. 2014. Cuthbert's Yard, Land Between 21 & 23 Burton Road, Lincoln. LA site code: CYL11.
- <4> SLI15059 Archive: Lincs Archaeo-tech. 2014. Cuthbert's Yard, Land Between 21 & 23 Burton Road, Lincoln. LCNCC 2011.109.
Grid reference | Centred SK 9735 7208 (62m by 53m) Estimated from sources |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
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Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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