Monument record MLI97832 - Post-Medieval Shipyard Buildings, Whitehorse Lane, Boston
Post-medieval shipyard buildings at Whitehorse Lane, Boston.
Type and Period (2)
Protected Status/Designation
Full Description
Evidence of the former shipbuilding use of this area was identified in September 2006, during the excavation of geotechnical trial pits around the former HP Foods factory at Whitehorse Lane, Boston. Archaeological monitoring of the investigation revealed a clear sequence of made ground and demolition deposits overlying extensive natural marine alluvial sedimentation layers. Fragments of brick, timber and tile found within the made ground layers indicate the principal materials used in the construction of the shipyard buildings. {1}{2}
Subsequent trial trenching in September 2009 revealed the sequence of demolition of the former HP Foods factory. Brick foundations of a former building, thought to be related to the former shipbuilding use of the site, were recorded below the demolition debris. 18th to 19th century pottery was found in association with the remains of this building. {3}{4}
Further traces of the former shipbuilding use of this area were revealed in June 2010, during archaeological monitoring of residential development of the former HP Foods factory site. The traces comprised the remains of two pits and a construction trench for a 19th century building, thought to be associated with the other shipbuilding structures previously identified. These features were cut into extensive post-medieval demolition deposits that were thought to derive from the removal of earlier structures on the site. A small assemblage of 17th and 18th century pottery was recovered from these demolition deposits, indicating earlier phases of occupation and probable shipbuilding on this site. {5}{6}
Further remains of post-medieval activity associated with this area's use for shipbuilding were identified in December 2010, during trial trenching at Tebb's Land, Whitehorse Lane. The remains included the foundations and floor surfaces of mid to late 19th century buildings, thought to represent probable warehouse-type structures associated with the shipbuilding activity. The foundations were cut into layers of 18th century made-ground, deposited to consolidate this part of the riverside and allow subsequent development. {7}{8}
Sources/Archives (8)
- <1> SLI14853 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln). 2006. Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston. PCA site code: HPBO 06.
- <2> SLI14854 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln). 2006. Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston. LCNCC 2006.246.
- <3> SLI13098 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2009. Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston. PCAS site code: WLBL 09.
- <4> SLI13099 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2009. Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston. LCNCC 2009.140.
- <5> SLI15124 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2010. Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston. PCAS site code: WLBL10.
- <6> SLI15125 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2010. Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston. LCNCC 2010.5.
- <7> SLI15195 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2010. Tebb's Land, Whitehorse Lane, Boston. PCAS site code: BWHT 10.
- <8> SLI15196 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2010. Tebb's Land, Whitehorse Lane, Boston. LCNCC 2010.171.
Grid reference | Centred TF 3282 4363 (89m by 80m) Estimated from sources |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Intervention: Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston (ELI10515)
- Event - Intervention: Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston (ELI12202)
- Event - Intervention: Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston (ELI12365)
- Event - Intervention: Tebb's Land, Whitehorse Lane, Boston (ELI12416)
Please contact the HER for details.
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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