Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14853 - Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston

Title Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston
Date/Year 2006
HER Report no. 5330
Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln) 06-298


Report on a programme of archaeological monitoring, conducted during the excavation of five geotechnical trial pits at the former HP Foods factory site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston. A clear sequence of demolition and made ground deposits overlying extensive natural marine alluvial sedimentation layers was recorded. Remains of former shipyard structures were identified amongst the made ground deposits.

External Links (1)



HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Post-Medieval Shipyard Buildings, Whitehorse Lane, Boston (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Former HP Foods Factory Site, Whitehorse Lane, Boston

Record last edited

Oct 7 2015 3:41PM



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