Monument record MLI43574 - Bolingbroke Castle
Bolingbroke Castle
Type and Period (3)
Protected Status/Designation
Full Description
A castle at Bolingbroke was first recorded in 1232 and 1243 and was probably built c.1220-30 when Randulph de Blundevill returned from the crusades. The earlier castle may have been on Dewy Hill, to the north of the village. The castle consisted of a wet moat and walled enclosure defended by towers at the angles and a double towered gate house. A courtyard, hall and further buildings inside. To the south are the earthworks of the rout yard, used to shelter tented armies and in more recent times as a pen for unclaimed cattle. The future Henry IV was born here in 1367. The castle was besieged by the Parliamentarians in the autumn of 1643 and the besiegers marched out to engage and defeat the Royalist relief column from Newark at the Battle of Winceby (see MLI42274). After the battle the castle held out until November 1643. {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}{9}
N. Field and P. Losco-Bradley give a full bibliography related to the castle. {10}
Scheduling revised 16/06/1994. Renumbered SAM 22623. {11}
For the full description and the legal address of this listed building please refer to the appropriate List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. {12}
A watching brief adjacent to the castle revealed possible upcast from the construction of the moat to the north, and to the east a feature was observed which may be associated with the castle boundary bank. {13}
During a watching brief in 2002, two ditches were recorded, aligned north to south and north-west to south-east. Although no dating evidence was recovered, the relationship of the ditches to the overlying deposits suggested that the ditches were pre-sixteenth century in date. It is thought that the ditches carried water to or from the moat to the castle. {14}{15}
Recording of a vandalised arch was undertaken in 2000. {16}{17}
A 2009 joint scheme of earthwork survey, borehole exploration, and a watching brief found that while the medeval silt deposits in the moat are sealed by later deposits, there is a quantity of intrusive medieval material which has been introduced to later post-medieval deposits. {18}{19}
Sources/Archives (19)
- <1> SLI2881 Index: Lincolnshire County Council. Sites and Monuments Record Card Index. TF 36 NW: M.
- <2> SLI2344 Index: Ordnance Survey. Ordnance Survey Card Index. TF 36 NW: 10.
- <3> SLI4196 Scheduling Record: HBMC. AM 7. SAM 88.
- <4> SLI526 Article in Serial: Drewett, P. L. and Freke, D. J.. 1974. 'The Great Hall at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire' in Medieval Archaeology. vol.18, pp.163-5.
- <5> SLI533 Article in Serial: M.W. Thompson. 1966. 'The Origins of Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire' in Medieval Archaeology. vol.10, pp.152-8.
- <6> SLI534 Article in Serial: M.W. Thompson. 1969. 'Further Work at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire' in Medieval Archaeology. vol.13, pp.216-7.
- <7> SLI385 Article in Serial: MASSINGBERD F C. 1906. Associated Architectural and Archaeological Societies’ Reports and Papers. vol.4, pp.230-46.
- <8> SLI1074 Bibliographic Reference: Graham Platts. 1985. Land and People in Medieval Lincolnshire. vol.4, pp.96-102.
- <9> SLI173 Aerial Photograph: 1945-84. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY COLLECTION. JE52-62; LH53-60; AMU93.
- <11> SLI4254 Scheduling Record: ENGLISH HERITAGE. 1994. REVISED SCHEDULING DOCUMENT 22623. -.
- <12> SLI7670 Index: Department of the Environment. 1988. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. 1/32.
- <14> SLI8441 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology. Sept 2002. Moat Lane, Old Bolingbroke. MLOB02.
- <15> SLI8442 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology. Sept 2002. Moat Lane, Old Bolingbroke. LCNCC 2002.396.
- <16> SLI8449 Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2002. Bolingbroke castle, Old Bolingbroke. OBC00.
- <17> SLI8450 Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 2002. Bolingbroke Castle, Old Bolingbroke. LCNCC:2002.327.
- <18> SLI18570 Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2009. Archaeological Watching Brief and Earthwork Survey, Bolingbroke Castle, Old Bolingbroke. APS Site Code: BOLC09.
- <19> SLI18571 Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 2009. Archaeological Watching Brief and Earthwork Survey, Bolingbroke Castle, Old Bolingbroke. LCNCC: 2009.147.
Grid reference | Centred TF 3492 6493 (220m by 314m) Estimated from Sources |
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (5)
- Event - Intervention: Archaeological Watching Brief and Earthwork Survey, Bolingbroke Castle, Old Bolingbroke (ELI14396)
- Event - Survey: Building recording at Bolingbroke Castle (ELI3804)
- Event - Intervention: Excavation of the Great Hall at Bolingbroke Castle (ELI12724)
- Event - Intervention: Excavations at Bolingbroke Castle (ELI14421)
- Event - Intervention: Watching brief at Moat Lane, Old Bolingbroke (ELI3798)
Please contact the HER for details.
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Dec 30 2024 10:36AM
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