Monument record MLI40138 - Romano-British Settlement and Pottery Manafacturing Site, Tattershall Thorpe


Romano-British settlement and pottery manafacturing site at Tattershall Thorpe.

Type and Period (7)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

A substantial quantity of Romano-British greyware and a colour-coated sherd, dated as 3rd to 4th century, were found at this location in 1976. Three of the sherds have a stabbed pattern and coarse gritty fabric. Several fragments of daub or kiln structure were also found, as well as a whetstone. The material is in the City and County Museum. {1}{2} A trial trench evaluation carried out in 2007 and 2008 revealed a range archaeological features and deposits - primarily early Roman, but with some evidence of continuation into the 3rd/4th centuries. The features comprised mainly ditches, but also occasional pits and possible postholes. The majority of features corresponded to cropmarks and/or anomalies located during a prior geophysical survey on the site. Some of the features appear to have formed small, sub-rectangular enclosures, bearing out conclusions drawn from the geophysical survey. The evaluation also located further evidence of pottery production, in the form of kiln furniture from the fills of ditches in one of the trenches. There was no direct evidence of occupation on the site, but the activity occurred in a well defined area, evidenced by a sharp reduction in activity in evaluated areas to the west, south and east. The northern limit of the occupied zone may have been defined by an east-west track, where overlying deposits produced pottery of late Roman date. Cropmark evidence relating to the site is presented in PRN 40432. {3}{4} A geophysical survey was carried out in January/February 2007, on the site and surrounding areas. The survey located a range of anomalies indicative of a settlement site, including enclosures, ditches and pits. {5} Isolated finds of Roman material (a roof tile and box-flue tile) were made during fieldwalking in adjacent areas. It is likely that the finds derive from the settlement site. {6} Following the geophysical survey and trial trenching, the area was subject to open excavation between 2010 and 2015, with the results largely confirming the earlier trenching. {7}{8} The relationship between the earlier, Iron Age features was clarified as the Roman archaeology appears to largely respect the earlier features before gradually superseding them, with the continuous timeline of pottery suggesting continued settlement between the two periods. The site was considered to represent a complex farm settlement with multiple enclosures, structures, and evidence for kiln use. Several wells of Roman date were recorded, some of which were wattle-lined.

Sources/Archives (8)

  •  Article in Serial: A.J. White (ed.). 1977. 'Archaeology in Lincolnshire and South Humberside, 1976' in Lincolnshire History and Archaeology. vol.12, p.77.
  •  Artefact: City and County Museum Collection. LM 90.76.
  •  Report: Cotswold Archaeology. Apr 2008. Park Farm, Tattershall Thorpe, Lincolnshire. Archaeological evaluation. PMT07.
  •  Archive: Cotswold Archaeology. Apr 2008. Park Farm, Tattershall Thorpe, Lincolnshire. Archaeological evaluation. -.
  •  Report: Archaeological Surveys. 2007. Park Farm, Tattershall Thorpe: Magnetic Susceptibility and Magnetometer Survey. PMT07.
  •  Report: Cotswold Archaeology. 2007. Park Farm, Tattershall Thorpe: Fieldwalking Survey. PFT07.
  •  Report: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2020. Park Farm, Tattershall Thorpe, Archaeological Scheme of Strip, Map, and Sample Excavation. PCAS Site Code TTPF10.
  •  Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2020. Park Farm, Tattershall Thorpe, Archaeological Scheme of Strip, Map, and Sample Excavation. LCNCC 2010.152.



Grid reference Centred TF 2044 5967 (643m by 446m) Estimated from Sources

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Record last edited

Jan 22 2025 2:44PM


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