Source/Archive record (Report) SLI8800 - Baston Quarry (No.2), Langtoft: An Archaeological Evaluation

Title Baston Quarry (No.2), Langtoft: An Archaeological Evaluation
Date/Year June 2003


External Links (1)


Patten, R.


SMR M3/13

Referenced Monuments (4)

  • Medieval field system on land at Baston Quarry (NO.2), Langtoft (Monument)
  • Prehistoric field system on land at Baston Quarry (NO.2), Langtoft (Monument)
  • Romano-British field system on land at Baston Quarry (NO.2), Langtoft (Monument)
  • Undated features on land at Baston Quarry (NO.2), Langtoft (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Baston Quarry (No. 2), Langtoft. Phase V and VI: Areas D and E

Record last edited

Nov 8 2012 3:52PM



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