Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI8456 - 8 Church Lane, South Witham

Title 8 Church Lane, South Witham
Date/Year 2002


Archive for the archaeological excavation, conducted prior to the construction of new housing at 8 Church Lane, South Witham. Evidence of Romano-British and medieval occupation on the site was revealed, along with evidence of likely Saxon activity in the vicinity.

External Links (0)



City and County Museum LCNCC 2001.448

Referenced Monuments (7)

  • Early Anglo-Saxon Pottery, Church Lane, South Witham (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age and Roman Activity, Church Lane, South Witham (Monument)
  • Medieval Industrial Activity, Church Lane, South Witham (Monument)
  • Post-medieval Quarries, Church Lane, South Witham (Monument)
  • Prehistoric Flints, Church Lane, South Witham (Find Spot)
  • South Witham Settlement (Monument)
  • Unlocated Iron Working Site, Church Lane Area, South Witham (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • 8 Church Lane, South Witham

Record last edited

Jul 15 2014 10:52AM



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