Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI18696 - Archaeological Excavation on Land at Churchill Avenue, Horncastle
Title | Archaeological Excavation on Land at Churchill Avenue, Horncastle |
Author/Originator | Archaeological Project Services |
Date/Year | 2014 |
Archive for a programme of archaeological excavation conducted on land at Churchill Avenue, Horncastle, to preserve by record known archaeological remains prior to the construction of a residential development. This followed prior geophysical survey (ELI14462) and trial trenching (ELI14463) of the site. Three phases of intensive and broadly agricultural Roman occupation were identified between the late 1st and early 5th centuries AD. The second phase of activity included two inhumation burials, while the final phase of activity on the site saw a shift towards small-scale industrial use, evidenced by a metalled surface and two kilns or furnaces, as well as a small quantity of hammerscale and iron slag recovered from pit and ditch backfills. A large assemblage of finds including pottery, metalwork, coins, glass (including beads), box flue and roof tile, animal bone and quernstones was recovered. The presence of east-west and north-south aligned Medieval ridge and furrow was also noted.
External Links (0)
City and County Museum LCNCC: 2014.32
Referenced Monuments (3)
Referenced Events (1)
- ELI14464 Archaeological excavation on land at Churchill Avenue, Horncastle
Record last edited
Feb 12 2025 3:06PM