Monument record MLI127457 - Roman settlement remains, Horncastle
The substantial remains of Romano-British settlement on land to the south of the Roman walled town of Bannovallum in Horncastle.
Type and Period (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
During a magnetometry survey conducted in May 2013, an extensive system of ditched enclosures and trackways was encountered, with concentrations in the north of the site. Many of the enclosures contained anomalies representing pit-like features or sites of burning such as hearths, ovens, kilns or furnaces. {1}
Six trial trenches were subsequently excavated in June-July 2013. The system of enclosures identified in the previous geophysical survey was revealed to extend across the whole site, rather than being concentrated in the north as the survey results suggested. Finds including Roman pottery, a section of vitrified furnace lining, animal bone showing evidence of both butchery and canine gnawing, and roof and box flue tile fragments were recovered from these features. {2}{3}
Three phases of intensive and broadly agricultural Roman occupation were identified between the late 1st and early 5th centuries AD during a subsequent archaeological excavation in March-June 2014. The second phase of activity included two inhumation burials, while the final phase of activity on the site saw a shift towards small-scale industrial use, evidenced by a metalled surface and two kilns or furnaces, as well as a small quantity of hammerscale and iron slag recovered from pit and ditch backfills. A large assemblage of finds including pottery, metalwork, coins, glass (including beads), box flue and roof tile, animal bone and quernstones was recovered. {4}{5}
Sources/Archives (5)
- <1> SLI18692 Report: Pre-Construct Geophysics. 2013. Archaeological Geophysical Survey: Land West of Churchill Avenue, Horncastle. PCAS Site Code: CHAE 13.
- <2> SLI18693 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2013. Land Off Ndola Drive/Churchill Avenue, Horncastle, East Lindsey: Heritage Impact Assessment. PCAS Site Code: CHAE 13.
- <3> SLI18694 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2013. Land Off Ndola Drive/Churchill Avenue, Horncastle, East Lindsey: Heritage Impact Assessment. LCNCC: 2013.103.
- <4> SLI18695 Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2016. Archaeological Excavation on Land at Churchill Avenue, Horncastle. APS Site Code: HOCA14.
- <5> SLI18696 Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 2014. Archaeological Excavation on Land at Churchill Avenue, Horncastle. LCNCC: 2014.32.
Grid reference | Centred TF 2590 6881 (336m by 266m) Estimated from sources |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (2)
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Record last edited
Feb 12 2025 3:20PM
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