Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI18168 - Land at Lincoln Road, Welton: Archaeological Excavation Report

Title Land at Lincoln Road, Welton: Archaeological Excavation Report
Date/Year 2011


Archive for an archaeological strip, map and record conducted on land to the east of Lincoln Road, Welton, to preserve by record known archaeological remains prior to the construction of a new dwelling. Prior trial trenching in 2007 (ELI8710) and 2010 (ELI10530) identified Roman remains including possible structures. No structures of confirmed Roman date were positively identified during the excavation, though residual demolition material and possible robbed out foundation trenches were encountered. Two early Roman ditches were also encountered. Associated with the demolition material was a small assemblage of Saxon pottery including imported Ipswich ware. Also encountered were the remains of two or three separate stone built structures of unknown function, tentatively dated to the Medieval or post-Medieval periods, as well as a stone well, capped and sealed by a possible cobbled surface. A post-Medieval quarry pit truncated several earlier features in the centre of the site.

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City and County Museum LCNCC: 2011.93

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Limestone structures, well and cobbled surface, Welton (Monument)
  • Roman Farmstead, 17-21 Lincoln Road, Welton (Monument)
  • Saxon pottery, Welton (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Archaeological excavation on land at Lincoln Road, Welton

Record last edited

Jul 30 2024 11:53AM



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