Monument record MLI91752 - Roman Farmstead, 17-21 Lincoln Road, Welton


Roman farmstead on land at 17-21 Lincoln Road, Welton.

Type and Period (5)

  • (Roman - 200 AD to 399 AD)
  • (Roman - 200 AD to 399 AD)
  • (Roman - 100 AD? to 399 AD)
  • (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • (Late Iron Age to Roman - 100 BC to 199 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

Roman features dating to the 3rd-4th centuries were uncovered during trial trenching in 2007. These include two substantial and well-faced walls, both probably representing buildings, and a possible mortar floor surface which appears to have been external. Finds include pottery, roof tile, hearth waste and a single tessera suggesting domestic occupation, possibly of high status. No flue tiles were found however, suggesting that the building lacked underfloor heating. A linear ditch of Roman date was also recorded. {1}{2} Further evidence of Romano-British settlement was revealed during another trial excavation in 2010. The earliest features were two stakeholes and three postholes cut into the natural limestone which may represent a late Iron Age/early Roman timber structure. These features were overlain by a late 1st to early 2nd century occupation deposit. Cutting into this deposit were further stakeholes and postholes probably relating to the late 1st to 2nd century occupation and indicating the presence of another timber structure. These deposits were covered by a demolition deposit containing large quantities of building debris (including stone and ceramic roof tile, box flue tile and red painted wall plaster) and 4th century domestic midden material. The two pieces of box flue tile found would indicate that one, at least, of the buildings on the site had under-floor heating, but not all of them as evidenced by the lack of such finds during the earlier excavations described above. {3}{4} A strip, map and record in 2012 revealed residual demolition material and possible robbed out foundation trenches of possible Roman date. Two substantial early Roman boundary ditches were also encountered. Associated with the demolition material was a small assemblage of Saxon pottery including imported Ipswich ware, giving a possible date for the buildings' demolition. {5}{6}

Sources/Archives (6)

  •  Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2007. Land Between 17 and 21 Lincoln Road, Welton. APS site code: WELR07.
  •  Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 2007. Land Between 17 and 21 Lincoln Road, Welton. LCNCC 2007.222.
  •  Report: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2010. Archaeological Evaluation Report: Land Between 17 and 21 Lincoln Road, Welton. WELR10.
  •  Archive: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2010. Archaeological Evaluation Report: Land Between 17 and 21 Lincoln Road, Welton. LCNCC 2010.44.
  •  Report: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2014. Land at Lincoln Road, Welton: Archaeological Excavation Report. PCAS Site Code: LRWX 11.
  •  Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2011. Land at Lincoln Road, Welton: Archaeological Excavation Report. LCNCC: 2011.93.



Grid reference Centred TF 01130 79702 (51m by 50m)

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Record last edited

Jul 30 2024 10:28AM


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