Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI17302 - Highfield Farm, North Kelsey

Title Highfield Farm, North Kelsey
Date/Year 2021


Archive for report on a historic building survey undertaken to preserve by record prior to the proposed conversion of agricultural outbuildings to residential use and demolition of a dwelling at Highfield (formerly Glebe) Farm, North Kelsey. The surveyed buildings comprise a U-shaped complex of agricultural outbuildings surrounding a crewyard, open to the west. The earliest surviving buildings in the complex are the west range consisting of a cart shed and stable, and the centre of the south range, likely formerly a cattle shed and dairy but converted to residential accommodation in the early 20th century. The stable still has an original wooden hayrack against the east wall. The north range, comprising a four bay shelter shed with three bays open to the south and a brick built feed rough at the west end, is a later addition but predates the 1887 OS Map. Another outbuilding, not included in the survey, survives to the west of the complex and appears to be a washroom or boilerhouse. It still has an in-situ boiler and washing copper. A building to the north west of the complex, present on earlier OS Maps but now demolished, was likely the farmhouse.

External Links (0)



City and County Museum LCNCC 2021.2

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Detached Outbuildings at Highfield (Glebe) Farm, North Kelsey (Building)
  • Glebe Farm, North Kelsey (Monument)
  • Outbuildings at Highfield (Glebe) Farm, North Kelsey (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

Record last edited

Jan 13 2025 9:49AM



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