Site Event/Activity record ELI13759 - Highfield Farm, North Kelsey


Grid reference Centred TF 03773 99649 (26m by 24m) Surveyed


  • Building Survey


Archaeological Project Services


From 13 Jan 2021 to 13 Jan 2021 (on)



A historic building survey undertaken to preserve by record prior to the proposed conversion of agricultural outbuildings to residential use and demolition of a dwelling at Highfield (formerly Glebe) Farm, North Kelsey. The surveyed buildings comprise a U-shaped complex of agricultural outbuildings surrounding a crewyard, open to the west. The earliest surviving buildings in the complex are the west range consisting of a cart shed and stable, and the centre of the south range, likely formerly a cattle shed and dairy but converted to residential accommodation in the early 20th century. The stable still has an original wooden hayrack against the east wall. The north range, comprising a four bay shelter shed with three bays open to the south and a brick built feed rough at the west end, is a later addition but predates the 1887 OS Map. Another outbuilding, not included in the survey, survives to the west of the complex and appears to be a washroom or boilerhouse. It still has an in-situ boiler and washing copper. A building to the northwest of the complex, present on earlier OS Maps but now demolished, was likely the farmhouse. {1}{2}

External Links (0)

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2021. Highfield Farm, North Kelsey. APS Site Code NKHF20.
  •  Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 2021. Highfield Farm, North Kelsey. LCNCC 2021.2.

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

  • Detached Outbuildings at Highfield (Glebe) Farm, North Kelsey (Building)
  • Glebe Farm, North Kelsey (Monument)
  • Outbuildings at Highfield (Glebe) Farm, North Kelsey (Building)

Record last edited

Jan 20 2023 11:30AM


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