Monument record MLI98615 - Ridge and Furrow, Burgh Road, Skegness


Remains of medieval ridge and furrow, to the north of Burgh Road (A158), Skegness.

Type and Period (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

Earthworks of medieval ridge and furrow to the north of Burgh Road (A158), identified on aerial photography by the National Mapping Programme. {1} Further traces of medieval ridge and furrow, to the north of those previously recorded, were noted in December 2013, during a site visit conducted to inform the proposed development of a holiday caravan park. The remains were identified as a series of parallel linear earthworks, aligned on a roughly north-east to south-west axis. This alignment is different to that of the previously identified earthworks to the south, which were aligned on a north-west to south-east axis. {2} The alignments of the previously identified areas of ridge and furrow were confirmed in April 2014, during subsequent magnetometry survey of the proposed caravan holiday park. The change in alignments likely indicates a division of the medieval open field system in this area. {3} Sherds of redeposited medieval pottery were recovered in this area in May 2015, during trial trenching of the proposed holiday caravan park. The assemblage included pieces from a variety of different fabrics and vessel forms, including sherds of Bourne ware, Potterhanworth ware, Raeren stoneware, Sigeburg stoneware, Toynton Medieval ware and Toynton/Bolingbroke-type ware, all likely deposited as part of manuring scatters. {4}{5}

Sources/Archives (5)

  •  Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. National Mapping Programme. TF5464: LI.447.16.1.
  •  Report: RPS. 2014. Desk Based Assessment of the Proposed Holiday Caravan Park, Burgh Road, Skegness. RPS site code: OXF8142.
  •  Report: GSB Prospection. 2014. Burgh Road, Skegness. -.
  •  Report: Wessex Archaeology. 2015. Burgh Road, Skegness. Wessex site code: OXF8142.
  •  Archive: Wessex Archaeology. 2015. Burgh Road, Skegness. LCNCC 2015.90.



Grid reference Centred TF 5468 6449 (389m by 272m) Estimated from sources

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (3)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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