Monument record MLI91277 - Late Iron Age settlement, South Witham Quarry
Late Iron Age enclosures and ring ditch, South Witham Quarry.
Type and Period (6)
- RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE (Middle Iron Age to Late Iron Age - 400 BC to 42 AD)
- DITCH (Middle Iron Age to Late Iron Age - 400 BC to 42 AD)
- RING DITCH (Iron Age - 800 BC? to 42 AD)
- ROUND HOUSE (DOMESTIC) (Iron Age - 800 BC? to 42 AD)
- PIT (Middle Iron Age to Late Iron Age - 400 BC to 42 AD)
- POST HOLE (Middle Iron Age to Late Iron Age - 400 BC to 42 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
A geophysical survey conducted in 2007 detected a well-defined set of enclosure ditches on land at South Witham Quarry. These included a sub-rectangular c.18m by 18m enclosure, with an access along its western edge. The results also indicated an internal ditch that lies close/parallel to the northern boundary of the enclosure. The eastern and southern extents of the sub-rectangular enclosure integrate with a larger complex of ditches. A partial enclosure (three sides recorded) lies to the immediate northwest of the sub-rectangular enclosure. Other probable enclosures were recorded to the north east of these, including a c.15m diameter ring ditch, with at least one entrance on its eastern side. A relatively dense group of discrete anomalies was detected in the north western part of the survey. A specific interpretation was not possible, although magnetically stronger examples could reflect some form of industrial activity. The enclosure complex, ring ditch and associated anomalies can probably be dated to the Iron Age or Romano-British period.{1}
Subsequent trial trenching in September 2016 revealed the enclosure system to be Mid-Late Iron Age in date. Moderate quantities of pottery and cattle and sheep/goat bone indicative of domestic waste was recovered from the fills of ditches and pits. {2}{3}
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SLI11740 Report: Pre-Construct Geophysics. Dec 2007. Geophysical Survey: Proposed Site of Quarry, South Witham. -.
- <2> SLI18857 Report: Cotswold Archaeology. 2016. South Witham Quarry Western Extension: Archaeological Evaluation.
- <3> SLI18858 Archive: Cotswold Archaeology. 2016. South Witham Quarry Western Extension: Archaeological Evaluation.
Grid reference | Centred SK 90729 18701 (165m by 129m) Approximate |
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Record last edited
Mar 14 2025 10:40AM
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