Monument record MLI124890 - Post-Medieval Dumped Deposit, Burgh Road, Skegness
A spread of 16th and 17th century dumped material, on land to the north of Burgh Road, Skegness.
Type and Period (1)
- ARTEFACT SCATTER (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1799 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
A concentration of magnetic anomalies were recorded in this location in April 2014, during magnetometry survey of land to the north of Burgh Road. It was thought possible that the anomalies represented the remains of human activity, although the exact form and function of this activity could not be determined. {1}
Subsequent trial trenching, conducted on this site in May 2015, identified a spread of dumped post-medieval material that was likely responsible for the concentration of magnetic anomalies previously recorded here. The material was thought to represent the remains of a post-medieval waste dump, that had been subsequently spread by modern ploughing of this area. Fragments of animal bone and post-medieval brick were recovered from the deposit, along with a quantity of almost exclusively late 16th century Glazed Red Earthenware pottery. Half of the bone assemblage was thought to have derived from a single partial calf skeleton, buried as part of the dumped deposit. {2}{3}
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SLI15745 Report: GSB Prospection. 2014. Burgh Road, Skegness. -.
- <2> SLI15746 Report: Wessex Archaeology. 2015. Burgh Road, Skegness. Wessex site code: OXF8142.
- <3> SLI15747 Archive: Wessex Archaeology. 2015. Burgh Road, Skegness. LCNCC 2015.90.
Grid reference | Centred TF 5460 6458 (79m by 67m) Estimated from sources |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Event - Survey: Burgh Road, Skegness (ELI12856)
- Event - Intervention: Burgh Road, Skegness (ELI12857)
Please contact the HER for details.
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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