Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI6466 - Land to the south of High Farm, Halton Holegate
Title | Land to the south of High Farm, Halton Holegate |
Author/Originator | Pre-Construct Archaeology |
Date/Year | Feb 2001 |
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Archive for the evaluation.
City and County Museum LCNCC 2001.19
Referenced Monuments (5)
- MLI81397 A post-medieval to modern field boundary, south of High Farm (Monument)
- MLI81404 Neolithic occupation site, south of High Farm (Monument)
- MLI81403 Probable late Mesolithic flint scatter, south of High Farm (Monument)
- MLI81405 Probable Neolithic/Early Bronze Age barrow cemetery, south of High Farm (Monument)
- MLI81395 Undated pit, south of High Farm (Monument)
Referenced Events (2)
Record last edited
Mar 9 2001 12:00AM