Source/Archive record (Report) SLI5180 - Land Adjacent to the High Street, Scampton

Title Land Adjacent to the High Street, Scampton
Date/Year 1996
HER Report no. 624
Archaeological Project Services 39/96


Report on an archaeological watching brief, conducted during groundworks for the construction of a new dwelling and garage on land adjacent to the High Street, Scampton. The monitoring identified the remains of an east to west aligned ditch from which a sherd of medieval pottery was recovered. Two sherds of redeposited Roman pottery were also recovered from the ditch, along with further sherds of medieval pottery and animal bone fragments from an overlying buried soil layer.

External Links (1)



HER 96/16

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Roman Pottery, High Street, Scampton (Find Spot)
  • Scampton Shrunken Medieval Village (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Land Adjacent to the High Street, Scampton

Record last edited

Jul 24 2015 10:49AM



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