Source/Archive record (Report) SLI18693 - Land Off Ndola Drive/Churchill Avenue, Horncastle, East Lindsey: Heritage Impact Assessment

Title Land Off Ndola Drive/Churchill Avenue, Horncastle, East Lindsey: Heritage Impact Assessment
Date/Year 2013
HER Report no. 6003
Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd 1035 & 1049


Report on a programme of archaeological evaluation comprising six trial trenches excavated on land at Churchill Avenue, Horncastle, to inform the construction of a residential development. The system of enclosures identified in the previous geophysical survey was revealed to extend across the whole site, rather than being concentrated in the north as the survey results suggested. Finds including Roman pottery, a section of vitrified furnace lining, animal bone showing evidence of both butchery and canine gnawing, and roof and box flue tile fragments were recovered from these features, as were a number of residual prehistoric worked flints. The presence of east-west and north-south aligned Medieval ridge and furrow was also noted.
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Referenced Monuments (4)

  • Bronze Age pottery, Horncastle (Find Spot)
  • Prehistoric flint scatter, Horncastle (Monument)
  • Ridge and Furrow, Horncastle (Monument)
  • Roman settlement remains, Horncastle (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Trial trenching on land at Churchill Avenue, Horncastle

Record last edited

Feb 12 2025 3:06PM



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