Source/Archive record (Report) SLI18561 - Land off Empingham Road, Exeter Down, Stamford: Detailed Gradiometer Survey Report

Title Land off Empingham Road, Exeter Down, Stamford: Detailed Gradiometer Survey Report
Date/Year 2014
HER Report no. 1111
Wessex Archaeology 104280.01


Report on a gradiometer survey conducted on land at Stamford West to inform a proposed development. This survey was intended to target those areas exempted from a previous survey in 2011 (ELI14386). A small group of linear responses forming a possible irregular enclosure were identified to the north of the site, with a number of possible field boundaries nearby. In the centre of the site, no anomalies representing a possible eastern return of the known ditched enclosure were identified, although continuations of both the south and north enclosure ditches were encountered. Several discrete possible linears were also encountered in the southeast of the site.

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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Iron Age field boundary, Stamford West (Monument)
  • Iron Age metalworking site, Stamford West (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Geophysical survey at Stamford West

Record last edited

Nov 15 2024 10:39AM



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