Source/Archive record (Report) SLI17052 - Land Adjacent to Walnut House, Maidenwell Lane, Navenby

Title Land Adjacent to Walnut House, Maidenwell Lane, Navenby
Date/Year 2011
HER Report no. 3004
PCAS Archaeology Ltd 590


Report for a programme of archaeological monitoring and recording conducted during groundworks associated with a new dwelling and attached double garage on land adjacent to Walnut House, Maidenwell Lane, Navenby. An east-west aligned limestone wall foundation was identified below topsoil at the northern end of the site, running parallel to Maidenwell Lane, which survived as a single course and extending westwards for circa 10m. The wall had been built within a 0.6m wide foundation trench and backfilled with a reddish-brown sandy clay. A second wall was identified in the same area, aligned north-south and extending southwards for 3.7m from the south face of the east-west wall, and was set into a 0.8m wide construction cut. A third wall was perpendicular to the first wall and was similar in composition and build. A substantial north-south aligned wall was seen in the south-eastern corner of the site, which survived to three courses and a height of 0.4m. It was similar in composition and build to the first wall. It was set within a 1.2m wide foundation trench over a 0.8m wide limestone foundation. The backfill contain a small amount of animal bone. These walls may represent one or more former dwellings. The final feature was a large pit containing pottery, animal bone and mussel shells, but dating of the pit was inconclusive. Eighty-four sherds of pottery were recovered from the features and the topsoil, which suggests that the area was occupied from the Saxon period onwards. Most of the pottery was of medieval date, suggesting a peak of activity between the 13th and 14th centuries. No further archaeological features were identified.

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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Former Dwellings, Land Adjacent to Walnut House, Maidenwell Lane, Navenby (Monument)
  • Medieval Activity, Land Adjacent to Walnut House, Maidenwell Lane, Navenby (Monument)
  • Undated Pit, Land Adjacent to Walnut House, Maidenwell Lane, Navenby (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Land Adjacent to Walnut House, Maidenwell Lane, Navenby

Record last edited

Jan 19 2022 2:59PM



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