Source/Archive record (Report) SLI15819 - Bulwark Farm, Church Lane, Scredington

Title Bulwark Farm, Church Lane, Scredington
Date/Year 2015
HER Report no. 5603
Witham Archaeology 106


Report on a programme of historic building recording, conducted to inform the proposed demolition of a complex of former farm buildings at Bulwark Farm, Church Lane, Scredington. Originally consisting of a single, mid 19th century, two-storey barn, the complex was quickly developed with the addition of two adjoining ranges to the south and north-west. These ranges comprised a cart shed with a granary to its second floor, a cow house, and a stable with a dovecote to its second floor. Further additions in the 20th century considerably enlarged the complex of farm buildings, and resulted in some significant alterations to the earlier structures.

External Links (1)



HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Bulwark Farm (Buttbalk Farm), Scredington (Monument)
  • Farmhouse, Bulwark Farm, Scredington (Building)
  • Former Agricultural Buildings, Bulwark Farm, Scredington (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Bulwark Farm, Church Lane, Scredington

Record last edited

Jul 6 2017 12:35PM



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