Building record MLI124964 - Former Agricultural Buildings, Bulwark Farm, Scredington


Complex of former farm buildings, originating in the mid 19th century, but with extensive 20th century additions.

Type and Period (6)

  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1833 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1833 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1833 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1833 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1833 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1833 AD? to 2050 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

The complex of former agricultural buildings at Bulwark Farm were the subject of a programme of historic building recording, conducted in September 2015, prior to their proposed demolition and redevelopment of the site. Originally consisting of a single, mid 19th century, two-storey barn, the complex was quickly developed with the addition of two adjoining ranges to the south and north-west, and was much more considerably expanded and altered in the 20th century. All of the earlier parts of the complex were built of red brick, laid in an English Garden Wall bond, and featured pitched roofs of red clay pantiles, though large parts of these had been replaced by metal sheeting. The earliest part of the complex consisted of a north to south aligned, former barn, open to the second-floor rafters, located in the centre of the site. The complex was expanded soon afterwards with the addition of two adjoining two-storey ranges, comprising a former cart shed with granary over to the south, and a cow house, and stable with dovecote over to the north-west. The former cart shed had two separate bays for the storage of carts, and was open to the east. A number of possible carpenters marks or graffiti patterns were noted on several of the exposed timbers supporting the second floor granary. The former cart shed appeared to have been converted at some point to be used as a stable, with a small lean-to, now largely demolished, being added to the east as part of this conversion. Access to the north-western stable block was by a set of large wooden double doors, set in the northern elevation, although patches in the brickwork above these doors suggest they are a replacement of an earlier opening. Futher blocked openings and doorways were noted in the south elevation, as was the presence of whitewashing to the interior walls. The only access to the overlying dovecote room was by the adjacent former cow house, where a no longer extant set of steps would have led to the second floor doorway. Openings within the walls of the dovecote room would have provided nesting spaces for a considerable number of birds. {1}{2}

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Report: Witham Archaeology. 2015. Bulwark Farm, Church Lane, Scredington. WA site code: SCBF15.
  •  Archive: Witham Archaeology. 2015. Bulwark Farm, Church Lane, Scredington. LCNCC 2015.210.



Grid reference Centred TF 09526 40488 (12m by 14m) Surveyed

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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