Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14722 - Land North of Kirmond Road, Binbrook

Title Land North of Kirmond Road, Binbrook
Date/Year 2014
HER Report no. 5226
Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd 1143


Report on the excavation of five trial trenches, dug to investigate previously identified geophysical anomalies and inform proposed development on land to the north of Kirmond Road, Binbrook. The remains of several ditches, consistent with medieval ridge and furrow agriculture, were recorded in the western half of the site, with a possible hollow way or erosion channel being identified to the east. A fragment of medieval tile was recovered from one of the ditches, along with a residual sherd of Roman pottery, found in a clearly modern feature.

External Links (1)



HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Ridge and Furrow, Binbrook (Monument)
  • Roman Pottery Sherd, Kirmond Road, Binbrook (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Land North of Kirmond Road, Binbrook

Record last edited

Oct 18 2016 3:29PM



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