Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14277 - Proposed Development at St Mary's School, 5 Pottergate, Lincoln

Title Proposed Development at St Mary's School, 5 Pottergate, Lincoln
Date/Year 1992
City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit 23
HER Report no. 5015


Report on the excavation of three trial trenches, dug as part of a geotechnical investigation, prior to development at St Mary's School, 5 Pottergate, Lincoln. The foundations of a medieval wall, likely part of the demolished east range of St Mary's School was recorded, along with a possible Roman gully, and very limited evidence of the later post-medieval occupation of the site.

External Links (0)



HER 92/4

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Roman Activity, St Marys School, Pottergate (Monument)
  • St Mary's School, 5 Pottergate, Lincoln (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Proposed Development at St Mary's School, 5 Pottergate, Lincoln

Record last edited

Apr 2 2014 10:11AM



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