Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14162 - Land Adjacent to Highgate House, Backgate, Cowbit

Title Land Adjacent to Highgate House, Backgate, Cowbit
Date/Year 2009
HER Report no. 4368
Archaeological Project Services 94/09


Report on an archaeological watching brief, undertaken during groundworks for the foundation trenches for two houses and a garage, on land adjacent to Highgate House, Backgate, Cowbit. Late 1st to 2nd centruy domestic occupation, undated features and 16th to 18th century features were revealed.

External Links (1)



HER M9/9

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Late 1st to 2nd century gully containing industrial waste and possible associated features, Backgate, Cowbit (Monument)
  • Settlement of Cowbit (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Land Adjacent to Highgate House, Backgate, Cowbit

Record last edited

Dec 3 2014 3:13PM



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