Monument record MLI98782 - Late 1st to 2nd century gully containing industrial waste and possible associated features, Backgate, Cowbit
Late 1st to 2nd century gully containing industrial waste and possible associated features, Backgate, Cowbit
Type and Period (3)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
A gully containing evidence of Roman industrial activity including iron smithing slag, hammerscale and fired clay was found along with late 1st to 2nd century pottery, in 2009, during a watching brief at Highgate House, Backgate, Cowbit. A linear feature, seven feaures, occupations laters, a possible ditch, an undated cattle skeleton and twelve juvenile cattle bones, were also found. They were all undated but possibly in association with the Roman gully. {1}{2}
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SLI14162 Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2009. Land Adjacent to Highgate House, Backgate, Cowbit. APS site code: CBHH09.
- <2> SLI14163 Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 2009. Land Adjacent to Highgate House, Backgate, Cowbit. LCNCC 2009.17.
Grid reference | Centred TF 2656 1722 (51m by 50m) Estimated from sources |
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Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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