Source/Archive record (Report) SLI11720 - Wharf Road, Stamford

Title Wharf Road, Stamford
Date/Year 2005
HER Report no. 3901
Northamptonshire Archaeology 05/150


Report on the excavation of three trial trenches, dug in advance of proposed development at Wharf Road, Stamford. Medieval pits, probably used for quarrying and rubbish dumping, were the earliest features encountered. Walls relating to a 19th century school were also encountered, along with evidence of the re-levelling of the site in the 1970s, during the construction of a car showroom and car park.

External Links (1)



HER M5/4

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Medieval Pits and Kilns, Wharf Road, Stamford (Monument)
  • Site of 19th Century School, Wharf Road, Stamford (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

Record last edited

Apr 21 2015 12:49PM



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