Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI11344 - Archaeological Watching Brief and Earthwork Survey along the route of the Northern Bypass, Addlethorpe

Title Archaeological Watching Brief and Earthwork Survey along the route of the Northern Bypass, Addlethorpe
Date/Year 2006


External Links (0)



City and County Museum LCNCC 2001.76

Referenced Monuments (6)

  • Addlethorpe settlement (Monument)
  • Dumped briquetage deposit to the west of Addlethorpe (Monument)
  • Dumped Iron Age briquetage deposit to the west of Addlethorpe (Monument)
  • Medieval activity, south-east of Bridge Farm, Orby Road (Monument)
  • Possible Romano-British occupation to the west of Addlethorpe (Monument)
  • Romano-British ditch to the north west of Addlethorpe (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • Earthwork survey along the route of the Addlethorpe northern bypass
  • Watching brief along the route of the Addlethorpe northern bypass

Record last edited

May 2 2007 1:22PM



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