Building record MLI98980 - Water Pumping Station, Crowtree Lane, Louth


Water pumping station on Crowtree Lane, Louth, thought to date to 1872-3. Significantly altered in the 20th century.

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

The water pumping station, on Crowtree Lane, was assessed by English Heritage in May 2013, as part of the Louth Defined Area Survey. It was decided that the criteria for listing was not met in this instance, as the architectural and historical interest of the building has been severly compromised by considerable alteration and demolition; less than half the original building survives. Associated buildings and structures have also been demolished completely and nothing now survives of the original power unit or pumping equipment. The water pumping station is brick built with a slate roof, and rectangular plan. It is of single-storey with three gabled elevations and corresponding entrances in both the front (south) and rear (north) elevations. It is understood that the water pumping station was built in 1872-3, to designs by James Fowler, after the Louth Water Company bought an acre of land in the valley bottom, just south of the former Hubbards Hill Mill. They bored a hole until water was found and subsequently built the water pumping works to pump water up to the reservoir on Horncastle Road. Gravity then brought the water supply back down to the town. The water works appears on the first edition Ordnance Survey map of 1889 with a second building to the west. By 1906 the building to the west had been enlarged and a chimney is depicted on the OS map adjacent to the southern corner of the pump house. Both the chimney and second building have now been removed. {1}{2}

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Unpublished Document: English Heritage / Historic England. 2008->. Advice Report from a Heritage Asset Assessment. Case No.478863.
  •  Index: Historic England. 2012->. Designation Decision Records (De-Designated and Non-Designated Entries). 1418304.



Grid reference Centred TF 31681 86860 (24m by 17m) (2 map features)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Feb 27 2025 3:27PM


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