Building record MLI94935 - War memorial in the churchyard of St Wulfram's church, Grantham


War memorial in the churchyard of St Wulfram's church, Grantham

Type and Period (1)

  • (Early 20th Century to 21st Century - 1920 AD to 2050 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

PRN 37437 War memorial designed by Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart, with octagonal base and gothic canopied top. The churchyard also contains two medieval headstones. For the full description and the legal address of this listed building please refer to the appropriate List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. {1}{2} The war memorial was built to the design of Sir Charles Nicholson (1867-1949) and was unveiled in a ceremony on 27 November 1920. The Church of St Wulfram contains the nine stone dedicatory tablets with the names of the fallen. The memorial is of Clipsham stone, octagonal in plan and has an exuberant, highly detailed Gothic design. Upon the two-tiered octagonal base rests an octagonal plinth adorned with a blind Gothic arcade, each side with three trefoil-headed arches, except one side which contains a stone tablet inscribed with the following: IN GRATEFUL MEMORY OF THE GRANTHAM MEN WHO SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES IN THE GREAT WAR 1914-1919 WHOSE NAMES ARE INSCRIBED ON THE WALL WITHIN THE CHURCH. IN MEMORY ALSO OF THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR 1939-1945. The memorial is embellished with figure sculpture in ornate canopied niches and the overall design was inspired by the elaborate detailing on the steeple of the adjacent Church of St Wulfram. The memorial is set in paving stones which form an octagon. For the full amended description of this listed building please refer to the National Heritage List for England. {3} The Grantham war memorial at St Wulfram's Church is a thirty foot (nine metre) monolith designed by Sir Charles Nicholson. The memorial was formed out of Clipsham stone and is distinctly fifteenth century Gothic in style. In the four crocketed niches at the head are carved figures depicting St Wulfram, St Michael, St George and the crucifixion. The memorial was unveiled in 1920 to honour the First World War dead but further names were added after the Second World War. {4}

Sources/Archives (4)

  •  Index: Department of the Environment. 1972. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. 7/1A.
  •  Report: South Kesteven District Council. 2009. Grantham Conservation Area Appraisal. Medieval Town Centre character area.
  •  Website: Historic England (formerly English Heritage). 2011->. The National Heritage List for England. 1062502.
  •  Bibliographic Reference: Michael Credland. 2014. The First World War Memorials of Lincolnshire. pp.92-3.



Grid reference Centred SK 91436 36144 (3m by 4m)

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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