Monument record MLI88335 - Iron Age settlement enclosure, near Horncastle Road, Wragby


A section of Mid-Late Iron Age cropmark enclosure and associated ring ditches.

Type and Period (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

A section of possible prehistoric cropmark enclosure. The feature is double ditched with some interruptions. The earthwork was seen during the National Mapping Programme. {1} The northwest corner of the enclosure was excavated during a programme of trial trenching in January 2017. A wide, shallow ditch containing Iron Age pottery was revealed, though there was no evidence of a double ditch. Prior to the trenching, the enclosure was also identified on geophysical survey. {2}{3}{4}{5} An archaeological excavation conducted in 2021 confirmed that the enclosure consisted of a single rectangular ditch, which measured between 6.4m and 8.56m wide, with a maximum depth of 2.04m. A smaller northwest-southeast aligned drainage ditch extended from its northwest corner. This ditch may have represented an earlier phase of agricultural activity on the site as it was truncated by the enclosure ditch. Immediately to the east of the northwest end of this ditch, and perpendicular to it, was a double row of postholes. These respected the alignment of the other features and were likely contemporary, though no firm dating evidence was recovered from them. Within the enclosure formed by the boundary ditch an Iron Age settlement was discovered, consisting of three ring ditches. The largest had been recut at least four times, suggesting prolonged use (although datable evidence suggests a relatively tight period of occupation limited to the Mid-Late Iron Age). To the south of these ring ditches was a pair of ditches running parallel to the northern enclosure ditch. Most of the ditch features produced Mid-Late Iron Age pottery, as well as other domestic waste including animal bone. {6}{7}

Sources/Archives (7)

  •  Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. Lincolnshire National Mapping Programme. TF1477: LI.548.4.1.
  •  Report: On Site Archaeology Ltd. 2016. Horncastle Road, Wragby: Archaeological Desk Based Assessment. -.
  •  Report: On Site Archaeology Ltd. 2016. Land at Horncastle Road, Wragby: Report on a Geophysical Survey. OSA Site Code: HRW16.
  •  Report: On Site Archaeology Ltd. 2017. Land at Horncastle Road, Wragby: Report on an Archaeological Evaluation. OSA Site Code: HRW16.
  •  Archive: On Site Archaeology Ltd. 2017. Land at Horncastle Road, Wragby: Report on an Archaeological Evaluation. LCNCC: 2016.178.
  •  Report: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2023. Archaeological Mitigation Report: Strip, Map and Record and Archaeological Monitoring on Land off Horncastle Road, Wragby. AAL Site Code: WRHR 21.
  •  Archive: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2021. Archaeological Mitigation Report: Strip, Map and Record and Archaeological Monitoring on Land off Horncastle Road, Wragby. LCNCC: 2021.53.



Grid reference Centred TF 14050 77497 (212m by 160m) Centre

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Record last edited

Jun 4 2024 8:47AM


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