Source/Archive record (Report) SLI18000 - Land at Horncastle Road, Wragby: Report on an Archaeological Evaluation

Title Land at Horncastle Road, Wragby: Report on an Archaeological Evaluation
Date/Year 2017
HER Report no. 7139
On Site Archaeology Ltd OSA16EV19


Report on a programme of trial trenching comprising seven trial trenches excavated on land to the south of Horncastle Road, Wragby, to inform the proposed construction of a new residential estate. The presence of a rectangular enclosure previously identified by aerial photography and geophysical survey was confirmed. Iron Age pottery was recovered from the fills of this feature. Pit-like anomalies identified on prior geophysical survey were discovered to be the foundation remains of two structures. These foundations consisted of limestone rubble and cobbles within construction cuts, and were sealed by a dark grey silt layer containing a large quantity of Romano-British tile fragments. To the south of the foundations was an east-west aligned ditch containing Romano-British pottery and tile fragments. A thin upper fill of this ditch was interpreted as redeposited material from an associated bank. All of these features were truncated in part by the shallow remains of ridge and furrow noted across the site.

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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Iron Age settlement enclosure, near Horncastle Road, Wragby (Monument)
  • Ridge and Furrow, Wragby (Monument)
  • Roman industrial activity, Wragby. (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Trial trenching on land at Horncastle Road, Wragby

Record last edited

May 24 2024 12:24PM



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