Monument record MLI83077 - Medieval Walls, St Mary's School


Medieval walls, possibly delineating the former course of St Peter's Lane, at St Mary's School.

Type and Period (2)

  • (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

Unmortared stone wall foundations were revealed in August 2001, during a watching brief at St Mary's School. Although this part of the roughly north-west to south-east aligned wall was unmortared, an adjacent robber trench contained a high proportion of mortar. This indicated that at least part of the wall was probably mortared. This has been tentatively identified as part of a walled passage, possibly the course of St Peter's Lane. Cutting through the robber trench a tile lined drain was recorded. Roughly constructed with reused ceramic roof tiles as a lining it has been dated to the 14th-17th centuries. {1}{2} The remains of possible medieval wall foundations were recorded in 1993, during a watching brief to monitor new development at St Mary's School. The wall was aligned roughly north to south, and survived to only two courses high, lying approximately 1.4m below the modern ground surface. It was thought to be associated with previously identified remains of the east range of St Mary's School. No associated finds were recovered however, and no trace of St Peter's Lane could be identified. {3}{4}

Sources/Archives (4)

  •  Report: Lindsey Archaeological Services. 2002. St Marys Preporatary School, Pottergate, Minster, Lincoln. LPCG01.
  •  Archive: Lindsey Archaeological Services. 2002. St Marys Preporatary School, Pottergate, Minster, Lincoln. LCNCC:2001.192.
  •  Report: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. 1993. Development at St Mary's School, 5 Pottergate, Lincoln. CLAU site code: PGA93.
  •  Archive: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. 1993. Development at St Mary's School, 5 Pottergate, Lincoln. LCNCC 150.99.



Grid reference Centred SK 98035 71817 (72m by 91m)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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