Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14238 - Development at St Mary's School, 5 Pottergate, Lincoln

Title Development at St Mary's School, 5 Pottergate, Lincoln
Date/Year 1993
City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit 64
HER Report no. 5023


Report on the results of a watching brief, conducted during the construction of a new Hall and Topic Rooms for St Mary's School. The remains of possible medieval wall foundations were recorded, along with an undated ditch and very limited evidence of post-medieval occupation of the site.

External Links (0)



HER 93/1

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Medieval Walls, St Mary's School (Monument)
  • Undated Ditch, St Mary's School, Pottergate (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Development at St Mary's School, 5 Pottergate, Lincoln

Record last edited

Apr 2 2014 12:45PM



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