Monument record MLI43172 - Probable Long Barrow, Calceby
Cropmarks of a probable Neolithic long barrow, to the east of Calceby.
Type and Period (1)
- LONG BARROW (Early Neolithic to Late Neolithic - 4000 BC to 2351 BC)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
Cropmarks of a probable Neolithic long barrow, to the east of Calceby. Visible as a ditch defined enclosure, measuring 35m by 15m. Identified on aerial photography examined as part of the National Mapping Programme. {1}{2}
The long barrow is situated on an upper valley slope, overlooking Calceby Beck to the west. It lies at 60m above sea level, with the long axis traversing the contours, and is aligned east-south-east to west-north-west. It is an oval enclosure, measuring 50m by 16m, with its side ditches showing as a wider mark. Fieldwalking on the site in 1989 revealed no surface traces or finds. {3}{4}
This probable long barrow to the north of Haugh Walk Plantation was assessed for scheduling by Historic England in April 2021. It was decided that the criteria for scheduling was not met in this instance, as the barrow could not be discerned on more recent aerial imagery, and the degree of its survival was unclear. Reassessment of the earlier aerial photography showed the feature as an elongated oval ditched enclosure, measuring 50m in length and 24m in width at its widest point. The end ditches were curved and measured around 1-2m in width. The space between the ditches, where a mound might have been, measured 47m by 10m and was slightly waisted at its mid-point. {5}{6}
Sources/Archives (6)
- <1> SLI145 Aerial Photograph: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1946-98. RCHME National Aerial Photograph Collection at Swindon. TF4075/3 (27/07/1976).
- <2> SLI3613 Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. Lincolnshire National Mapping Programme. TF3975: LI.82.16.1.
- <3> SLI5407 Article in Serial: Dilwyn Jones. 1998. 'Long Barrows and Neolithic Elongated Enclosures in Lincolnshire: An Analysis of the Air Photographic Evidence' in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society. vol.64, pp.83-114, fig.3, no.20.
- <4> SLI2302 Index: Dilwyn Jones. 1998. Gazetteer of Neolithic Elongated Enclosures and Extant Long Barrows in (Historic) Lincolnshire. no.20.
- <5> SLI13505 Unpublished Document: English Heritage / Historic England. 2008->. Advice Report from a Heritage Asset Assessment. Case No.1474871.
- <6> SLI14492 Index: Historic England. 2012->. Designation Decision Records (De-Designated and Non-Designated Entries). 1475850.
Grid reference | Centred TF 3996 7578 (61m by 37m) Estimated from Sources |
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Record last edited
Jan 14 2025 8:23AM
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