Monument record MLI127402 - Approximate Extent of Romano British Field Systems, Norton Bottoms Quarry, North of Newark Road
The approximate extent of an exposed Romano British field system identified in geophysical survey and trial trenching. Rectilinear enclosures were also noted, and the area appears to have expanded to the west in the 2nd century.
Type and Period (3)
- DITCH (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- TRACKWAY (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
A wide ranging area of Romano-British field system including boundaries and enclosures was identified in geophysical survey and trial trenching at Norton Bottoms Quarry, north of Newark Road.
Features identified included ditches within wider ditched enclosures, and a possible trackway. The relatively high quantity of pottery recovered was considered suggestive of a domestic settlment or riverbank settlement. The presence of Samian Ware and stamped Mortaria is suggestive of a moderately wealthy Romanised population c.1st century, with Derbyshire and Black-burnished ware having a broader date range. Taken as a whole the pottery assemblage suggests occupation from the 1st century, intensifying in the 2nd century, and still existing in a smaller capacity into the 4th century. Despite the presence of settlement activity there was noted to be a distinct lack of structural remains and no evidence for pottery production.
It was considered notable that Roman remains were identified in areas the geophysics had poor resolution due to wider ranging areas of high magnetic resistance. As such it is likely further remains are present on and around the site which are not readily identifiable in magnetometry geophysical survey. {1}{2}{3}
Two pieces of flint were recorded, one of which redeposited into a pit and the other in the topsoil over a trench containing Roman features. One of the pieces was a blade considered to be of possible Upper Palaeolithic date.
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SLI18586 Report: Trent and Peak Archaeology. 2018. Archaeological Evaluation by Trial Trenching, Norton Bottoms Quarry Phases 1-4, Stapleford. TPA Site Code NBQ2.
- <2> SLI18587 Archive: Trent and Peak Archaeology. 2018. Archaeological Evaluation by Trial Trenching, Norton Bottoms Quarry Phases 1-4, Stapleford. LCNCC 2017.206.
- <3> SLI18585 Report: SUMO Services Ltd. 2018. Geophysical Magnetometry Survey, Norton Bottoms Quarry, Stapleford. -.
Grid reference | Centred SK 8731 5779 (1519m by 536m) Estimated from Sources |
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Record last edited
Dec 12 2024 2:59PM
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